A blizzard wraps the vacillating air, quietening a feral storm – making way for a thin cry that slices through the dawn-paled night, as a new Aurora oils into her linen kingdom. Outside, sallow courtiers respond in flurry to this chill nativity, jostling to glimpse the fronded vignette but hushing each other in reverence. A lick of ebony veils her startled eyes and a dusting of night crowns her wine-stained brow. Welcomed into life with a whisper of a kiss and a silent prayer.

Darklight is everything. I am everything. I am the light on the glistening wave, I am the bird that sings in the tree, I am the water that ripples in the brook, I am the sound of the wind in your ears, I am the sparkle in the eye of every smile and the breath of every child, I am all of these things and all of these things are you; you are complete and I am whole. Love is boundless, timeless, limitless and free. It circles our lives like a mantle of hope. We are nothing without it and everything within it. We exist as forms of consciousness that glitter and twinkle like the stars above. Smiling down on the landscape we have created from our souls.

We destroy to rebuild, die to be re-born, and end to begin. Nothing is gone, forever is forever. Time does not exist in the way we structure it for ourselves. It is as free as a running hare in the meadow, as expansive as the curve of the sky and deeper than any ocean, all the oceans. Fluid.

We are all children, splashing in puddles and laughing at the jewels that scatter from our every movement. Endless ripples of creation from one tiny gesture. Pools of thought and rivers of knowledge, merging into a vast swell of life. Enjoy the life, it is ours to explore.

Adventurers of the universe.

© Mel Lampro